Time-limit for claims of Travelling Allowance (TA)& Regarding request from various agents/agent associations to allow Investment through withdrawal form (SB-7) under SAS / MPKBY Agency System

 No. 19030/1/2017-E.IV

Government of India

Ministry of Finance 

Department of Expenditure


North Block, 

New Delhi 

Dated: 15th June, 2021.


All Ministries and Departments of the Govt. of India etc. as per standard distribution list.

Copy to: C&AG and U.P.S.C. etc. as per standard endorsement list.

Subject: Time-limit for submission of claims for Travelling Allowance (TA) on Retirement – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No. 19030/1/2017-EIV dated 13.03.2018 wherein the time limit for submission of claims for TA on Tour/Transfer/Training/ Journey on Retirement was changed from one year to sixty days, succeeding the date of completion of the journey.

2. Several references have been received in this Department regarding extension of time-limit for submission of TA claims in r/o journeys performed by retired employees and their families for going to Home town/place of settlement after retirement as difficulties are being faced by the retired Govt. officials while claiming reimbursement of TA on retirement within a period of sixty days of completion of their journey.

3. The matter has been considered in this Department and in partial modification of this Department’s OM of even number dated 13.03.2018, it has been decided that the time-limit for submission of claims for TA on Retirement is modified from 60 days to 180 days (six months), succeeding the date of completion of the journey.

4. The time limit for submission of TA claim on tour, transfer and training will remain 60 days.

5. These orders will be effective from the date of issue of the order. However, the claims not settled due to time limit of 60 days in terms of the O.M. dated 13.03.2018 on the subject, may be re-considered by the concerned Ministry/ Department.

6. in their application to the persons belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders are issued under Article 148(5) of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

This is issued with the approval of Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure).

No. 107-01/2020-5B

Government of India

Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts

(FS Division)

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001

Dated: 15.06.2021


All Head of Circles/Regions

sub - Regarding request from various agents/agent associations to allow Investment through withdrawal form (SB-7) under SAS / MPKBY Agency System.

Sir / Madam,

This office is in receipt of representations from agents/agent Associations to allow investment through withdrawal form (SB-7) under SAS /MPKBY Agency System in various National Savings Schemes (i.”.RD/MrS/TD/KVP/NSC).

2. As there is no such provision available in SAS Agency Rules 1959 / MPKBY Agency Rules 1972, the issue was taken up with Ministry of Finance for consideration.

3. After examination, vide O.M. No. l4ll/2021-NS dated 19.02.2021 Ministry of Finance has decided to reiect the proposal on theGrounds of safeguarding the money of investor and avoiding any Irregularities/frauds in the investment.

4. In view of above, any post office shall not allow investrtent Through withdrawal form (SB-7) under SAS / MPKBY Agency System in Different National Savings Schemes.

5. [t is requested to circulate these guidelines to all post offices for Information, guidance and necessary action.

This is issued with approval of the competent authority,

Copy to:-

. ST.PPS to Secretary (Posts)

. ST.PPS to Director General Postal Services

. PPS/ PS to Addl. DG (Co-ordination)/I4ember (Banking)/ Member (O)/

Member (P)/ Member (Planning & HRDy Member (PLI)/ Member (Tech)/AS &


4. Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi

5. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate

6. Sr. Deputy Director General (Vigilance) & CVO) / Sr. Deputy Director General


7. Director, RAKNPA / GM, CEPT / Directors of all PTCs

8. Director General P & T (Audit), Civil Lines, New Delhi

9. Secretary, Postal Services Board/ All Deputy Directors General

10. Al1 General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP

I l. Chief Engineer (Civil), Postal Directorate

12. All Sections of Postal Directorate

1 3. All recognized Federations / Unions/ Associations

14. GM, CEPT for uploading the order on the India Post website.

15.MOF (DEA), NS-II, North Block, New Delhi.

16. Joint Director & HOD, ICCW Building, 4 Deendayal Upadhyay Marg, New


17. Guard File

18. Spare copies.
